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Raimondo (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Raimondo (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Rivi 51:
5...e6, building a so-called "small center," is the signature move of the Scheveningen Variation of the Sicilian Defence. 5...e6 strengthens Blacks control of the important d5 square and opens e7 for the development of his dark-squared bishop. If Black is able to safely play ...d5 later on, he will have a good position.
In contrast to the Najdorf Variation, 5...a6, the Scheveningen commits Black earlier to a certain pawn structure in the center and delays queenside operations, but it does more to promote Blacks early development and castling. Both systems are considered very solid choices for Black.
:<code>5...e6</code> ''[[w:Sisilialainen puolustus, Scheveningen-muunnelma|Scheveningen-muunnelma]] on myös Garri Kasparovin idea (sallien tosin yhden valkean vaarillisimpia vastauksia 6. g4 Scheveningeniin)''
:<code>5...e6</code> voi transponoitua [[w:Sisilialainen puolustus, neliratsumuunnelma|neliratsumuunnelmaan]]