Ero sivun ”Digitaalipiirit” versioiden välillä

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Raimondo (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Raimondo (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Rivi 6:
== Johdanto ==
Tämä kirja käsittelee digitaalitekniikan perusteita. Digitaalitekniikan perusteet liittyvät tiukasti diskreettiin matematiikkaan, mutta tämän kirjan lukeminen ei kuitenkaan edellytä mitään esitietoja asiasta. Kaikki tarvittavat esitiedot esitetään tässä kirjassa. Käytännön komponentteja käsittelevässä osassa "digitaalielektroniikka" oletetaan kuitenkin sähkötekniikan peruskäsitteet virta, jännite ja resistanssi tutuiksi. Lukija voi opiskella ja/tai kerrata nämä asiat piiriteoriasta ([ Circuit Theory]).
This book will serve as an introduction to Digital Circuits. This book will rely heavily on the concepts of Discrete Math, but will not require any previous knowledge of the subject because all necessary math concepts will be developed in the text. This book will, however, assume a knowledge of basic electrical principles such as current, voltage, and resistance, so the reader may want to brush up on their [[Circuit Theory]].
The strength of '''digital''' technology in any context is fast, easy duplication with no loss of fidelity. In many media, this serves mainly to streamline distribution. While that aspect cannot be completely overlooked, some artistic endeavors, such as animation, are centered on a process of repeated duplication with systematic changes, so that digital tools often become a central part of the creative process.
In contrast to other visual arts, different parts of a digital process are automated, so that many aspects of the progression are inverted: what would be finish work to a sculptor or painter is prep work to a digital artist; what would otherwise be dictated by the laws of physics or filled in by human neurology might have to be coded into a computer as a systematic rule or painstakingly done by hand near the end of the process.
''This book is in an extreme state of infancy, and definitely needs some attention from any contributers with knowledge of this subject.''
== Sisältö ==