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Raimondo (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Ei muokkausyhteenvetoa
Raimondo (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Rivi 48:
*[[w:en:Queen's Gambit Accepted|Queen's Gambit Accepted]]
The Queen's Gambit Accepted has a rich heritage in chess, both sides played by many of the world champions through the years. It is not really much of a gambit since white can recover the pawn immediately with 3. Qa4+, though unless white wants the Q placed on c4, this is unnecessary. Black does better not to hold on to the pawn. Black's biggest concern is to take advantage of the time it takes white to recover the pawn to get the pieces active and prepare for key pawn breaks in the center (usually ...c5 or ...e5). White usually has better control of the center and has an easier time developing an advantage, but must play well to achieve this. Major continuations:
* 3. Nf3 - The classical main line. White develops while maintaining some flexibility.
* 3. e4 - A newer, but explored continuation. It tends to be more immediately tactical than 3. Nf3 and puts the question to black on which plan regarding the center black wishes to pursue.
* 3. e3 - Not as aggressive as 3. e4, but otherwise similar in intention. This often transposes into 3. Nf3 lines since white ends up playing e2-e3 anyway.
* 3. Qa4+ - This is a more modern continuation. While classical theory shied away from developing the queen early, this line aims at posting the queen in an active role, similar to lines of the Catalan.
'''HUOM!'' en-puolella on pidemmälle meneviä jatkoja.
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